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Data Services

AIXM Database Population

Most clients who are upgrading to an enterprise level AIXM database solution will already have data sources and older databases from which they would want information to be imported or inserted into the new system.

M-AIS can provide experienced staff to take electronic and definitive paper sources and build up the client’s data in the AIS Data Manager so that a set of data is available for use with the system upon it’s installation.

Survey to AIXM Data Mappings

Since the advent of WGS-84 requirements for survey and measurement for aeronautical facilities most States gather and store survey data for each aerodrome plus various other important points within the State.

This data is not always stored or transmitted in such a way that it is easily transcribed into operational systems for PANS-OPS, AIP, CHART and NOTAM. M-AIS have tools and staff that can be used to create safe update paths from source (survey) files into AIXM for use with AIS production systems.

AIXM Data conversion

M-AIS recognise that clients may already have sophisticated AIS systems that they use every day at the moment to keep operational systems up to date. These can include Airspace design systems, ATC simulators, Fast time simulators etc.

When a client wishes to use the central AIXM data base to feed Static data to these systems, M-AIS have the experience and specialist tools to ensure that system to system transfer from AIXM to legacy systems can take place in a quality assured and reliable manner..